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How to create great visual content for a coaching business

Written by: Darren Hignett

Creating highly visual content for your coaching business is critical in growing your online presence. There are many benefits to having high-impact images, whether that’s on your website, in social media posts or in advertising campaigns. Here are some of the main benefits:

- Stand out from your competition and other content that’s also trying to grab the attention of your target audience.
- Grab the attention of your customer and make them want to find out more about your service, or what you have written.
- Build trust with potential customers with a professional appearance.
- Help potential customers to visualize the customer experience, and journey when working with you.
- Continue to educate and support customers and build a long -term relationship with them using visual content such as top tips.

Whether you are a business coach or a personal coach, great visual content can be highly effective in a range of marketing campaigns including email marketing, social media posts, Facebook or LinkedIn Ads and on your website – including when publishing blog posts.

Other benefits of visual content are specific to the type of campaign you are running. Blog posts for example, are more effective at keeping website visitors reading the content if visual images are added at certain stages throughout the body of the text. This is especially important when blog posts are longer.

Making visual content can seem daunting but, with the right tools, it’s much easier than many coaches and consultants think. As a coach, you will appreciate the importance of customers having the right tools to achieve success and content marketing is the same.

Some apps for creating visual content include Stencil, Canva, Adobe Photoshop, RelayThat and Pablo (by Buffer). Most of these apps have a free version but they also have relatively affordable paid options as well.

Sometimes creating images that are impactful can take time but, with just a small amount of regular practice, you can get quicker at creating great visuals. You can save time by outsourcing, but this tends to be much more expensive in the long run.

Here are some examples of how a coach might use visual content to increase online presence and grow their business:

A business coach might create inspiring quotes and post them on social media to motivate and inspire potential customers to want to achieve greater success.

A health or lifestyle coach might post nutrition and wellbeing tips with top tip images that include pictures of healthy foods or scenery that helps potential customers to visualize the benefits.

A consultant might run a Facebook Ads campaign that includes images which reflect the results or the outcome of using their services.

A career coach might offer online courses on how to develop a successful career plan and use images for each chapter or module that reflect the content of each section. These images can then be used in email and social media campaigns.

Insight: If you would like more advice for creating effective Facebook ads then you might find this blog post with Tips for using Facebook Ads of interest.

A marketing mentor might create images with testimonial wording from previous clients. These images can be added to social media posts as well as to their website to increase social proof and credibility. Testimonials are proven to increase the chances of someone buying.

A life coach might write blog posts with advice for dealing with specific situations. Each blog post could include a range of images that reflect the advice. Key wording from the blog post could also be made into visual images that stand out from the main body of the text.

On this website, we have included information on how to create highly effective images using the Stencil app. If you would like to create an account on Stencil, then use this link:

You might also be interested in grabbing a copy of How to grow your coaching business and increase online presence with great visuals. This book is available using the link below and includes over $200 of bonus materials and templates that will, without doubt, save your coaching business a lot of time!

To get started with creating great visuals for your business, register an account with an app such as Stencil and have a play around. Make sure to check out the various elements of this website for top tips and advice.
Next chapter - How important are visual images for my business?